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2023 Spring Fashion Predictions With Vivian Rose

Hello Fashionistas!
Today's post is in collaboration with Vivian Rose - she is a YouTuber, owner of The Spill With Vivian Rose on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, as well as the blogger behind The Girly Girl Blog! Talk about a girl boss! Not only is she all of these things, she is also very sweet and very educated on all things fashion!

So of course we had to collaborate! And what better way to do so than to make sure you guys are on top of all of Spring's upcoming trends? 

Spring is a time of beautiful weather and with that there is so much freedom in outfits! You can choose to incorporate light layers or forget about them completely and go for a crop-top and shorts look! There's such a huge variety of options in Spring fashion which makes it one of my absolute favorite seasons! 

Together we have compiled a bunch of different predictions, so to make sure you are getting them all, follow Vivian's blog so you can read her post too!

With that, let's get into these predictions!

Disclaimer: All pictures used are not my own and I hold no rights to them whatsoever.

1. Striped Long-Sleeve Sweaters

If you've been on Pinterest lately, chances are you've seen a sweater like this! These sweaters are becoming increasingly popular because they tie in with both the Grunge and Downtown Girl aesthetics! If you like either of these aesthetics, I definitely recommend these sweaters!

2. Lace-Trimmed Cropped Cami's

I'm obsessed with this style of cami's so much! They are so flirty, light and feminine and perfectly match the vibe for a long road trip with your hair in the wind reading your favorite romance novel! Tops like these aren't too hard to find, so I would check your local stores like Brandy Melville and H&M!

3. Hollow-Out Shrugs

These have been around for a minute, but lately I have seen so much more of these and I can definitely predict some of our favorite models and celebrities wearing these in the near future! They are so cute and lightweight and I am completely obsessed with this look!

4. Low-Rise Jeans

Whether or not you love them or hate them, low-rise jeans are back in business and are just as popular as when this picture was first taken! Recently I have seen countless models hit the streets in these jeans, and honestly - the outfits have slayed! I'm excited to see what comes of low-rise jeans in the future!

5. Neon Colors

Although most people correlate Spring with pastels, I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more bright and tropical colors like pictured here on model Hailey Bieber!

6. New Balance

I feel as though in every season there's a staple shoe and throughout 2022 there was a rise of celebrities wearing New Balance's, specifically the 550's, so who knows? Maybe New Balance will come out with yet another celebrity favorite for Spring!

7. Chic Casual 

Along with the neon colors pictured here, notice the comfy fit of the pants and the laid-back vibe from the slippers. These elements tie in beautifully while also looking very relaxed and I feel like we'll see a lot of this 'chic and casual' style while out and about, especially on vacation!

8. Glitter and Shine

Shiny reflective fabrics are something that I feel very strongly are going to be embraced in 2023 Spring Fashion! Why wouldn't they? These fabrics look absolutely gorgeous and I can picture them being worn by celebrities on their fancy nights out left and right! Metallic fabrics give off such a fun party vibe and I love it!

9. Structured Bags

Structured bags are nothing new, but with the retro feel that they give off, I can see them being paired with the neon colors that I've mentioned as well as the metallic fabrics to make some really cool Y2K looks!

10. Chunky Jewelry

With the rise of the Clean Girl trend, we've seen a lot of dainty jewelry looks so I feel now as though that era has died down a bit we'll start seeing chunky jewelry resurface! Which I am super excited for!

Well, that's it for my Spring Fashion Predictions! Make sure you follow Vivian's blog so you can check out her predictions! I had an amazing time working with Vivian on our posts and if you guys love my blog, I know you'll love hers too! 

With that being said, here's our verse of the day! 

John 14:27 (NIV)
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
In this verse God is telling us that He is the source of peace. The world will always lead you astray and make you feel as though you are broken, lost, confused and hurt, but the Lord tells us that with Him our hearts need not be troubled by problems of this world, but instead that we shouldn't be afraid because He gives us peace. Let that be your reminder today that no matter what you are going through, God is with you. Lay all your burdens at his feet and do not be afraid! 

What prediction would you like to see in 2023 Spring Fashion?

👇 Let me know down in the comments 👇


  1. I literally LOVE THIS! This was so fun to collab on and all of ur style predictions are so glamorous! I love everything about the post!! :)

    -Vivian Rose from The Girly Girl Blog

    1. Thank you so much, it was a pleasure working with you!

  2. Omgggg these predictions are so cool! i love grunge so im gonna see if i can thrift one of those sweaters :D

  3. I love the girly girl blogs aesthetic sm 💞

  4. AAAAAAAAAAA I love theseeeeee! Watch you be correct HAHAHAHA <3 xx


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